Posts tagged Beauty Guide

So things have been absolutely insane!!! I've been dying to write this beauty review for months now and haven't had a second. Sometimes blogging just has to take a back seat. For those of you that don't have time to read this super detailed post, there is a shopping guide at the end... so scroll down and shop my favorite beauty must haves!

To fill you in on the madness, I've been traveling and living in studios styling and shooting. Summer is my busiest time of the year so it's been absolutely INSANE!!! To top things off I started a new business, check it out --->

Of course I still have my three kids, one of which is an infant who still wakes up at night, a hubby, who I still love to date and spend alone time with, friends, family.... and... tan-ta-nana... WE ARE MOVING!!! Yes, life is insane my friends, but I live and strive in chaos, so bring on the madness!!!

Now... back to BEAUTY. I've been dying to do this product round up for you guys! I think I've talked about this before, but my skin went coco for coco puffs during my pregnancy and so I searched high and low experimenting and trying different products out for both my skin, body and hair. Think of me as your personal guinea pig!!!

Make sure to click READ MORE for my extensive review and a full shopping guide!

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